Home Truths for April 2015

HereCIMG3976 is our latest Home Truths column, about public housing in Japan and, more specifically, Tokyo. One point inadvertently removed during the editing process is that Tokyo’s public housing system is called toei jutaku. Koei jutaku is a general term for all public housing, anywhere. Kuei jutaku is public housing facilities run by an individual city ward (ku), etc.


  1. uaifestival · April 8, 2015

    what is the difference with the UR Chintai?


    • catforehead · April 17, 2015

      UR is the semi-public corporation that used to be the fully public organization that built and ran all of Japan’s national public housing, known familiarly as Kodan. UR no longer sells apartments, but still rents them out. Unlike Koei, the low-income public housing we talk about in the article, UR units are available to everyone and the rents are pegged to market rates, which means they are nominally the same price as privately run apartments.


      • isma · March 12, 2018

        I have a question.. will the residents of public housing has the chance to own the house after a certain period of rental?


      • catforehead · March 12, 2018

        In Japan, public housing is owned and operated by local governments–prefectural, city, ward, etc. The units are for low-income people and are never for sale. UR is semi-public housing, meaning its run by a corporation that still has ties to the central government. As far as we know, there are no rent-to-buy schemes in UR, which is no longer in the business of constructing apartments to sell.


  2. Kadosh Hephzibah · December 14, 2015

    Helpful blog awesome!


  3. Bukkakeaisu · June 15, 2017

    Any idea why UR doesn’t allow pets? Considering the Supreme Court ruling that said pets/babies are human rights and one cannot be evicted for having either, you’d think they’d take the lead….


    • catforehead · July 3, 2017

      Actually, some UR buildings do allow pets. We lived in one from 2011-14. The problem is that if they start off as non-pet buildings it’s difficult to switch over because current residents may not want neighbors with pets. I would imagine UR itself would like to allow pets, because it would make it easier to find tenants, but they probably don’t want the hassle of facing complaints.


  4. isma · March 13, 2018

    Hi, Thanks for the reply 🙂 . One more question, is UR using agent for people to rent public housing? i found the website, check out this link

    the campaign was no guarantor, no commission fee for the agent.. i wonder why UR use the agent for this, or the agent is making some profit out of the rental houses that they had advertised.


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